Analytical Strategic Audit & Investor Readiness
Work With A Highly Experienced, Highly-Rated, Analyst To Refine Your Strategy And To Understand What Investors Are Looking For. Whether A Large, Established, Quoted Company, Or Early-Stage Fast-Growth, Having Been In Thousands Of Investor Meetings And On Thousands Of Investor Calls, We Have The Experience To Help.
Analytical Strategic Review - Investor Lens Focuses Strategy
Reviewing your investment case and strategy with an equity analyst, constantly looking from the perspective of valuation/return on investment, is a valuable exercise that can illuminate all aspects of your business. From the macro of 'am I targeting the right markets' to the micro of 'why am I actually recruiting another salesperson', will help you to look at your strategy and execution in a new, more-focused, light.
Investor Presentation Coaching & Rehearsal
Get the most out of your time when presenting to potential investors. Our aim is to enable you to think like an investor, to understand the why: why are they asking that question/what does it mean, how do I answer that question in a coherent manner, what is the investor thinking, where are they likely to be going next? You will find that things are not as complicated as initially they might appear and that everything comes down to a handful of simple concepts/ideas that likely you already implicitly understand, but perhaps do not apply methodically.
Get To Know Us For Free: 'Present To Us'
Free one hour online, one-to-one:
Present your investor deck/strategic thesis to us and we will give you feedback and pointers from an investment professional's perspective.
Get to understand what we can do and how we can help, for free. Then, if you need further help, now or in the future, you know where to come.
To book, or discuss, email, or call/text 07500040559
Mark Hawkes (principal). Formerly a media and insurance equity research analyst and a Director and Deputy Head of Equity Research at Charterhouse Securities ('CS')/Charterhouse Tilney, then Head of Pan-Euro Media Research at ING Financial Markets post CS's takeover by ING.
Highly rated in external fund manager surveys of equity analysts in a number of sectors, and number one ranked by a number of the largest and most respected UK and global fund managers in their own internal surveys, he has significant experience of investor presentation, and of honing the skills of others in that regard. His experience covers companies of all sizes, from start-ups, as an Angel Investor, to large quoted entities.
Mark can also call on the help of a number of highly experienced senior investment professionals, across industry segments, to complement his own knowledge and skills.