Focus Points

Hone Your Strategy

Is your strategy aligned with investor requirements? Will it deliver an appropriate valuation within the required time-frame/  will it deliver the rate of return appropriate to the type of investors you are targeting? Let us probe the strength and consistency of your strategy in a positive, non-critical environment, based around fundamental investment principles, framed in plain English.

Get Your Message Across

Potential investors may have spent little or no time researching your company prior to your initial presentation; you need to recognise quickly how much attendees know and be able adapt what you are saying to the requirements of your audience, in order to increase your chances of a successful outcome, in particular to explain succinctly  to the less prepared, exactly what your business does. Not easy to adapt 'on the hoof', but practice makes perfect.

Develop An Investor Mindset

Is the investor methodology/mindset embedded in your own psyche, so that every conversation, every message you deliver  is  appropriately structured and relevant? Does it come naturally? We can help you to get to that point.

Become Comfortable Presenting To Investors

Sitting in a meeting with investors, without understanding not just the definitions of investment terms, but what they really mean, can be daunting. Likely you will lose confidence and this will affect your participation in a meeting, or performance in a presentation.. Work with us to understand, quickly, core terminology, including investment ratios and arithmetic (it is not difficult). Become comfortable as you learn how it all really just addresses basic , probably familiar, concepts that you already understand.